
As a real estate developer 2M envisions learning as a continuous process. We believe that our leadership begins with the “Two-Step Communication” theory that emphasizes “didactic incubation” of new ideas, innovations and products while serving as a “reinforcement agent” of evidence-based best practices. We continually promote analyses of the economic benefits of strategic business modeling as a form of plan execution, publish the results of industry specific research, analyze new management models, and promote sound consulting methodologies through the utilization of white papers. In a strategic attempt to engage our industry in thought provoking discussions, we will use the concept of opinion leadership. We will engage opinion leaders by recognizing and embracing individuals who are educated in our industry challenges and issues and see themselves as influential in their community and amongst their peers, colleagues and families. From this perspective, we will encourage opinion leaders to influence our industry, environment and communities. By using opinion leaders, we anticipate an ability to educate and influence many industry professionals to take notice of innovations and continually evolving technology advancements


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